Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling Good

Hey to all that still read this. I think I have turned a corner in the healing process. I have felt pretty good for a few days now, and I seem to feel better everyday. I started PT for my knee and it feels ok. I still have a little open spot on one of my grafts, so that is still waiting. I have been sleeping more, so I think that adds to the feeling better. Still have some uncomfortable times, but they are less often. I can't wait to be able to to something.... work, workout, play, anything. I have been moving my neck, don't know if my range of motion is any better though. Hope to see everybody soon and talk to you later. JB

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lunch with the Boys

Friday was great. Most of the B-shift guys picked me up and took me to Hooters for wings and beer. They heard I have to move my head from side to side to help the scars, so they figured no better place. We had a great lunch and it was awesome to be with the guys again. Really miss work now. Amazing how something little can make you feel great. The moving my head is ok. still limited,but its only been a couple days. My donor site feels good and is healing really fast. Wish everything else was as fast. Thanks for all the messages and I will talk to you soon. JB

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day out at the Dr.s

Well I got out of the house today. Went to the ortho, he said my knee still needs about four weeks and there could still be cartilage damage. Wait and see! The surgeon said my skin grafts look good for the most part. I have one spot on my neck that might not have taken, but he still wants to give it a chance. The biggest concern is the scarring on my neck and shoulder. The scars contract and hinder movement. So my limited range of motion is his biggest concern right now. I will work through it and hopefully it won't be a big issue. I feel pretty good otherwise. Still have the sleep issue, that's my biggest concern... haha. Still at least 4 weeks away from any kind of work even light duty. I just want to be able to do something!!! Thanks for the messages, they really do pick me up. Talk to you soon. JB

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Anymore sleep ideas

Hey all, thanks for the messages they really help. I am still hanging in there. Still having trouble sleeping, wish I could get some. I also wish I could leave the house and get around a little better. I have a couple Dr appts tomorrow so hopefully everything will be progressing normal. I am still limited in the positions I can be in, and still dealing with some pain issues. Hell, I would be happy if I could get both hands over my head. Keep the messages coming, it gives me something to do. I will post after the Dr tomorrow. See ya, and again thanks for everything. JB

P.S. here is an updated photo of my leg, kinda looks like "steak-umm" and yes it still hurts.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

This one is my donor site on the side of my thigh This is the foam that was stapled to my back to cover the skin graphs
this is the scar left on my right flank from cutting out one of the 3rd degree burns. It is about 9 inches long.
I will post more pics when available.

Back to the doctor

Back to the doctor on Wed afternoon. Premedicated on percocet and ativan this time. I noticed he had in his hands a staple remover this time. Apparently that is the key to removing staples! Hence the name!! All were removed effortlessly and I was still high on ativan. I am so glad it was painless this time. Graphs still look good and I am still stuck at home. I can't go anywhere yet, or do anything. I am not even allowed to sweat. That might be hard for a sweaty fat guy, haha. I will post some of the pics today, and the rest when I can get them. See ya JB

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Ok. I was supposed to go to the dr. mon morning. He called and canceled until 5pm yesterday. I went in very excited about getting the foam and staples out. I dosed up on oxy's and percoset. I was ready. Well then the torture started. I had most of the staples removed and the foam had to be cut from my skin in some spots. I guess my skin was actually growing into the foam. So after a bout of "cold sweat" and almost vomiting we tried to continue the staple removal. Well, I have 50 staples still in and he pulled 75 out. So I have to go back wed. for the rest to be removed. I might have to be lightly sedated. IT SUCKS! On the upside he said the graphs look great so far and my donor site is looking good. Still hurts like a bitch, but looks good. I slept a little better than I have been. The foam being off lets me move a little more. Still having really vivid, wicked dreams. Don't know if its the meds, or my head. Patty has been great taking care of me. My family and everyone have been awesome. Thank you everybody for the kind words and offers for help. I will let you know how the staples go tomorrow. Talk to you soon.